Exciting news, FSYC! After a lot of research to find a more modern and cost-effective way to stay connected, we’re thrilled to announce the transition of our member communications to Spond.

Spond is designed for keeping social clubs connected and free to use. With Spond, we’re looking forward to having the following options, which you can tailor for your own experience:

·       Access Spond through the mobile app or online at

·       See the calendar for the season’s upcoming events

·       Set up text and/or email notifications and reminders for upcoming events

·       RSVP for events or see who else will be there

·       Volunteer for bringing appetizers, desserts or helping clean up

·       Pay FSYC membership dues

·       Photo sharing

·       Polling capabilities for event planning or changes

·       Control the availability of your contact information to other members

We will be migrating all of our existing member records into Spond this weekend. LOOK FOR NOTIFICATIONS ON NEXT STEPS to make sure you stay connected with FSYC on the new platform. We will no longer be using Constant Contact (this service) to communicate going forward.

Any questions? Email COMMODORE.FSYC@GMAIL.COM. I’m happy to assist!

– Your Commodore, Chasta Postler

Learn more about Spond